“Two innovative child welfare toolkits — A Social Worker’s Tool Kit for Working With Immigrant Families — A Child Welfare Flowchart (August 2009) and A Social Worker’s Tool Kit for Working with Immigrant Families — Immigration Status and Relief Options (June 2009) — are now available to public and private child protection services (CPS) workers, attorneys, immigration workers and legal aides who assist with child welfare-related cases. These toolkits were created to increase workers’ knowledge and skills relative to immigration-related issues that may impact their ability to assist immigrant families when they come to the attention of CPS.”
The toolkits are available as a free download at www.americanhumane.org/migrationtoolkits.
Filed under: Immigration, Legal Resources, Resources Tagged: asylum, atlanta, attorney, bia, citzenship, decatur, employment, forms, ga, georgia, Immigration, labor, law, lawyer, legal, legal services, metro atlanta, necessities, processing, resources, us dol, uscis, usdos, visa, work